Keto / Banting Pizza with Martinnaise

banting, keto, mayonnaise, sugar free, Tomato Sauce -

Keto / Banting Pizza with Martinnaise

So with two good cheeses in hand, peeled and very thinly sliced aubergine, tomatoes and some spices and Martinnaise sauces in hand I fired up my gas oven and set out to try these pizzas. May I just say I was not disappointed! This classic cheese, tomato and oregano pizza and the other half a serious garlic pizza!

I used Martinnaise Sugar Free Tomato Sauce as the base. Lay down some Gouda (but use any cheese you wish like cheddar, etc would work). I drizzled some Savoury Banting Mayonnaise over the base cheese and then packed some sliced aubergine, finely sliced red onion  and tomato and covered it with mozzarella cheese and a sprinkling of oregano and garlic. A final touch with some seaning - Himalayan Crystal Rock Salt and black pepper. I then added some more with more cheese -  a mixture of Gouda and Mozzarella and into the oven it went.

These pizzas where scrumptious and the bases where perfect. This was an awesome pizza !

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